Business English Teaching Course

Business English Teaching (BET)
Course Aims
BET is a course for teachers who have little or no experience of teaching Business English.
It is particularly suitable either for teachers who have a minimum of a TEFL course and want to prepare themselves for teaching Business English, or for teachers with some experience of teaching General English but who now wish to diversify into Business English.
This is a foundation course. It is designed to give you a basic grasp of the main issues and techniques involved in teaching Business English, so that you feel confident enough to experiment and discover for yourselves in the Business English classroom.
You will be eligible for a certificate upon successful completion of the course and coursework.
A 70% pass is required on all open book lesson quiz tests.
You can retake the wrong answers until you have passed to move on the the next lesson test.
Average Time allocated to complete course: 50 hours.
BET is made up of 30 lesson modules and quiz tests.
The course has 3 sections:
Basic Business Awareness, Professional Skills and Methodology and Materials.
Lesson Modules:
Speaking & Writing skills ; Corporate Structure ; Marketing ; Sales ; Accountancy ; Banking ; Markets ; Human Resources ; Production ; Needs Analysis; Syllabus Design; Principles of Lesson Planning ; Client Approach ; Feedback ; Learner Centered Approach : Approach to classroom practice ; Lexical Approach ; Practicing of Oral Skills : Using Authentic Materials ; Adapting Published Materials : Video and Radio ; Numerical Graphics ; Business Games ; Creating you own Materials.
Businness English Teaching course
Basic Business Awareness
Professional Skills Methodology and Materials
30 lesson Modules and tests.
50-hour BET Certificate
Letter of course Confirmation
It is advisable that the student completes the “120-hour TEFL course” before starting the BET course.
The BET course can be purchased as a package under the
Platinum TEFL course package at a discount. View Here