TEFL Course – Prague

TEFL Course Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Certificate: TEFL/TESOL

Duration: 4-Weeks

Online Course: Included

Course Fees: USD$1797

Deposit Required: $597

Private Hotel Room: $500 p/m​

Age Group: 20-65

Visa Required: See Visa Section

Average Salary: $1,500 p/m

Job Market: Numerous job vacancies throughout Prague and the Czech Republic.


Course Start Dates 2018

Check with us for course dates availability

Prague – City of Gothic Architecture




Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava river, the city is home to about 1.3 million people. The city has a temperate oceanic climate, with warm summers and chilly winters. Famed for it’s Gothic and Renaissance architecture, Prague is steeped in history and culture and it’s historic centre has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1992. Connected by modern transportation system, Prague is also one of the cultural centres of Europe boasting world renowned shopping, entertainment, cuisine and of course, bars serving world renowned Czech beer.


Training Center


Our iTEFL approved partner school in Prague is called The Language House who are based at Na Porici in the heart of the city just 5 min walk from the Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square. Shops, banks, ATM’s and restaurants are all close by. Teaching practice takes place at a local orphanage or school, depending on the time of year.


The 4-Week TEFL Course


You must complete the 40-hour online TEFL preparatory course at least 1-week before you arrive in Prague. This means you will have completed most of the grammar and theory modules before you arrive so that you can focus on the more practical aspects of the course while you’re here, such as teaching practice with students at a local school.

Our 4-week TEFL course is fully accredited and certified to meet international standards. The training involves up to 6 hours of observed teaching practice and 120 hours of classroom instruction. You will acquire the practical skills to teach English as a foreign language in any country around the world.

Classes run Monday to Friday, 9-4pm. Weekends are free to explore the local area but you will have homework assignments.


Getting Here & Visas


Airport pickup and transfer is included in the Advanced package. We recommend you arrive in Prague at least 2 days prior to the course start date.

Most non-EU teachers enter the Czech Republic as tourists then cross a border to renew their visa or ask their employer to organize and apply for visas at the Czech embassy. Our Visa agents will assist you in getting a long term visa and work permit.




We can recommend and book your accommodation for you. Our students will have safe, private accommodation with cable TV, refrigerator, a decent bed, a bathroom. WiFi Internet is usually available but this should be confirmed when you book your room. 


Our Assistance


Our partner school in Prague is not just a TEFL certification course but also a community of graduates and trainers. We help with everything! That includes visas, housing, jobs, social events, networking, monthly parties, taxes, and so much more. We stay connected with all of our graduates via social media and in person and have active networks in Prague and worldwide.

Our graduates come to our school whenever they want to use our resources and get some help. We pledge to assist you with everything you need to get started in Prague or anywhere else in the world. This is unique. With many TEFL certification courses, you only get the training, and when you graduate, you’re on your own to navigate a foreign country. With iTEFL, you get so much more.




Do you want to work in Prague? Great, we’ll get you employed! Do you want to work somewhere else? We’ll help with that too! We have the contacts and recruiters to make it happen all over the world. Our job assistance is for life. This means that at any time you want or need assistance, even years down the line, we’re here to help you. Most courses do not offer this and it’s one of the great advantages of signing up with us.


Prospects for Teachers


Monthly salaries in state schools start at $1,000. Private sector wages are around $1,500+ but do not include accommodation. A full-time salary should be adequate to live on by local standards. You should expect a lower wage outside of the Czech Republic’s major cities as the cost of living also drops dramatically.

One of the strongest motivations among secondary school (Gymnazium) students to learn English is the prospect of the Maturity (exit) exam.


Conditions of Work


Most English teachers agree that conditions in state schools are generally better than in private schools. Czech students are reported to be a delight to teach, alert, intelligent, fun-loving, keen and interested.


Fixing Up a Job


It is a bit easier to find jobs outside of Prague all year round, with the greatest selection available in late August through to November and in January/February. Most of the ESL jobs can be found in the provincial cities and towns in the Czech Republic.